“Пандас Филлина без” Ответ

DataFrame Fillna с 0

df['column'] = df['column'].fillna(0)
Open Opossum

Филли со средним

sub2['income'].fillna((sub2['income'].mean()), inplace=True)
Inquisitive Ibex

Пандас Филлина без

df.fillna(np.nan).replace([np.nan], [None])
Brainy Bat

Пандас Филлина без

df.fillna(np.nan).replace([np.nan], [None])
Brainy Bat

Пандас Филлина с другой колонкой

# selecting your desired columns
df[['a', 'b']] = df[['a', 'b']].fillna(df['c'], inplace=True)
D Goglia

Филлина Панды в месте

When inplace = True , the data is modified in place, which means it will return nothing and the dataframe is now updated. When inplace = False , which is the default, then the operation is performed and it returns a copy of the object. You then need to save it to something.
Lazy Lyrebird

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