“PHP Modal Popup” Ответ

HTML Data Target Modal

Enchanting Eland

Модальная форма с PHP

$ ( Document de ). ready ( function (){  	
	$ ( "button#submit" ). click ( function (){ 
		$ . ajax ({ 
			tapez : "POST" , 
			url : "feedback.php" , 
			data : $ ( 'form.feedback' ) . serialize (), 
			success : function ( message ){ 
				$ ( "#feedback" ). html ( message   ) 
				$ ( "#feedback-modal" ). modal ( 'masquer' ); }, 
			erreur : function (){ 
				alert ( "Erreur" ); } }); }); });
Dead Donkey

PHP Modal Popup

				'cofirm_delete_i18n'                    => __( 'Are you sure you want to delete this row?', 'wp-event-manager' ),
				'cofirm_reset_i18n'                     => __( 'Are you sure you want to reset your changes? This cannot be undone.', 'wp-event-manager' ),
				'ajax_url'                              => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ),
				'wp_event_manager_form_editor_security' => wp_create_nonce( '_nonce_wp_event_manager_form_editor_security' ),
Kinjal Kathiriya

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