“PHP сравните две даты” Ответ

PHP сравните две даты

$today = date("Y-m-d");
$expire = $row->expireDate; //from database

$today_time = strtotime($today);
$expire_time = strtotime($expire);

if ($expire_time < $today_time) { /* do Something */ }
Andean Goose

PHP сравните даты

$date_now = date("Y-m-d h:i:s");
$variable = new DateTime($date_now);
$to_compare = "2018-06-01 12:48:09";
$variable1 = new DateTime($to_compare);
$difference = date_diff($variable, $variable1)->format("Difference => %Y years, %m months, %d days, %h hours, and %i minutes");
echo $difference;
Programming Is Fun

PHP получить дату между двумя датами

$period = new DatePeriod(
     new DateTime('2010-10-01'),
     new DateInterval('P1D'),
     new DateTime('2010-10-05')

//Which should get you an array with DateTime objects. 

//To iterate

foreach ($period as $key => $value) {
Funny Finch

Сравните даты DateTime PHP

$date1 = new DateTime("now");
$date2 = new DateTime("tomorrow");

var_dump($date1 == $date2); // false
var_dump($date1 < $date2); // true
var_dump($date1 > $date2); // false
Distinct Dotterel

PHP сравните даты

$date1 = "2021-01-15";
$date2 = "2021-01-18";

if ($date1 < $date2) {
 	echo "$date1 is earlier than $date2";
} else {
	echo "$date1 is later than $date2";

Две дата столбца сравнивается в PHP

// Current timestamp is assumed, so these find first and last day of THIS month
$first_day_this_month = date('m-01-Y'); // hard-coded '01' for first day
$last_day_this_month  = date('m-t-Y');

// With timestamp, this gets last day of April 2010
$last_day_april_2010 = date('m-t-Y', strtotime('April 21, 2010'));
Wicked Wildebeest

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