Импорт пакета строк Java List
import java.util.List; // import just the List interface
import java.util.ArrayList; // import just the ArrayList class
Gifted Grouse
import java.util.List; // import just the List interface
import java.util.ArrayList; // import just the ArrayList class
// Java program to Demonstrate List Interface
// Importing all utility classes
import java.util.*;
// Main class
// ListDemo class
class GFG {
// Main driver method
public static void main(String[] args)
// Creating an object of List interface
// implemented by the ArrayList class
List<Integer> l1 = new ArrayList<Integer>();
// Adding elements to object of List interface
// Custom inputs
l1.add(0, 1);
l1.add(1, 2);
// Print the elements inside the object
// Now creating another object of the List
// interface implemented ArrayList class
// Declaring object of integer type
List<Integer> l2 = new ArrayList<Integer>();
// Again adding elements to object of List interface
// Custom inputs
// Will add list l2 from 1 index
l1.addAll(1, l2);
// Removes element from index 1
// Printing the updated List 1
// Prints element at index 3 in list 1
// using get() method
// Replace 0th element with 5
// in List 1
l1.set(0, 5);
// Again printing the updated List 1