Java png obj Animate Размер изображения

import java.awt.Image;
import java.util.ArrayList;
 The Animation class manages a series of images (frames) and
 the amount of time to display each frame.
public class Animation {
 private ArrayList frames;
 private int currFrameIndex;
 private long animTime;
 private long totalDuration;
 Creates a new, empty Animation.
 public Animation() {
 frames = new ArrayList();
 totalDuration = 0;
 Adds an image to the animation with the specified
 duration (time to display the image).
 public synchronized void addFrame(Image image,
 long duration)
 totalDuration += duration;
 frames.add(new AnimFrame(image, totalDuration));
 Starts this animation over from the beginning.
 public synchronized void start() {
 animTime = 0;
 currFrameIndex = 0;
 Updates this animation's current image (frame), if
 public synchronized void update(long elapsedTime) {
 if (frames.size() > 1) {
 animTime += elapsedTime;
 if (animTime >= totalDuration) {
 animTime = animTime % totalDuration;
 currFrameIndex = 0;
 while (animTime > getFrame(currFrameIndex).endTime) {
 Gets this Animation's current image. Returns null if this
 animation has no images.
 public synchronized Image getImage() {
 if (frames.size() == 0) {
 return null;
 else {
 return getFrame(currFrameIndex).image;
 private AnimFrame getFrame(int i) {
 return (AnimFrame)frames.get(i);
 private class AnimFrame {
 Image image;
 long endTime;
 public AnimFrame(Image image, long endTime) {
 this.image = image;
 this.endTime = endTime;
Nervous Nightingale