“Декораторы в Python” Ответ

Декоратор Python

def our_decorator(func):
    def function_wrapper(x):
        print("Before calling " + func.__name__)
        print("After calling " + func.__name__)
    return function_wrapper

def foo(x):
    print("Hi, foo has been called with " + str(x))

Busy Batfish

декораторы в Python

def deco(function):
    def wrap(num):
        if num % 2 == 0:
            print(num,"is even ")
            print(num,"is odd")
    return wrap
def display(num):
    return num
display(9)   # pass any number to check whether number is even or odd
King Generous

декораторы в Python

# this functon converts any string into uppercase
def deco(function):
    def wrap(s):
        return s.upper()
    return wrap

def display(s):
    return s 
print(display("not bad"))
King Generous

Декораторы в Python

# decorator function to convert to lowercase
def lowercase_decorator(function):
   def wrapper():
       func = function()
       string_lowercase = func.lower()
       return string_lowercase
   return wrapper
# decorator function to split words
def splitter_decorator(function):
   def wrapper():
       func = function()
       string_split = func.split()
       return string_split
   return wrapper
@splitter_decorator # this is executed next
@lowercase_decorator # this is executed first
def hello():
   return 'Hello World'
hello()   # output => [ 'hello' , 'world' ]
Rakesh Meher

Декораторы в Python

def first(msg):


second = first

Декораторы в Python

# decorator function to convert to lowercase
def lowercase_decorator(function):
   def wrapper():
       func = function()
       string_lowercase = func.lower()
       return string_lowercase
   return wrapper
# decorator function to split words
def splitter_decorator(function):
   def wrapper():
       func = function()
       string_split = func.split()
       return string_split
   return wrapper
@splitter_decorator # this is executed next
@lowercase_decorator # this is executed first
def hello():
   return 'Hello World'
hello()   # output => [ 'hello' , 'world' ]
Rakesh Meher

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