“Как печатать на Python” Ответ

Как печатать на Python

# Printing, the basics of Python...

# Btw this is how you print a statement or anything in the terminal/console.

print("your printing statement")

# Above basically makes use of a built-in function called print which just
# shows your writing in the console. You can print variables also using print.

# Very easy to use. Hope I helped. Thanks!

# By SuperScripts (yea, i changed my username AGAIN...)

Как печатать на Python

print('Text here')

Как печатать на Python

#Without variable
print('hello guys')
#With Variable
text = 'hello guys'

Как печатать на Python

print("what you want to print")
Enchanting Eland

Как печатать на Python

#printing inputs
print(input("whatever u want to say "))
#or u can use preloaded inputs
input_value=input("whatever u want to say ")
Super Shark

Как печатать на Python

print("Hello Python!")

#Hello Python!
Wild Willet

Как печатать на Python

name= 'Name' #Customizable
exclamationMark = '!' #Customizable

print('Hello ', name + '!' + True, False)
print('GoodBye ' + name, exclamationMark)

Как печатать на Python

Fantastic Fly

Как печатать на Python

#please use the print keyword
#pleease enter the value to print
# if integers means you can use without single quotes or double quotes or triple quotes
#one of the advantage of python you didn't want to use semi-colon in the end of the statements
Hungry Horse

Как печатать на Python

#write whatever you want inside the ""

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