“Форматирование в Python” Ответ

Форматирование в Python

# There are 3 different types of formatting. 
>>> name = "John"
>>> age = 19
>>> language = "python"
>>> print(f"{name} of age {age} programs in {language}") # Commonly used.
John of age 19 programs in python
>>> print("%s of age %d programs in %s" %(name, age, language)) # %s for str(), %d for int(), %f for float().
John of age 19 programs in python
>>> print("{} of age {} programs in {}".format(name, age, language)) # Values inside .format() will be placed inside curly braces repectively when no index is specified.
John of age 19 programs in python
>>> print("{2} of age {1} programs in {0}".format(name, age, language)) # Index can be specified inside of curly braces to switch the values from .format(val1, val2, val3).
python of age 19 programs in John
Action Kamen

Строка формата Python Format со списком

>>> print('Skillset: {}'.format(*langs))
Skillset: C
Envious Elk

Как делать форматирование в Python с функцией формата

age = 36
txt = "his age is {}"
Programmer of empires

Форматирование строки Python

>>> print("He said, "What's there?"")
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
>>> print('He said, "What's there?"')
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

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