“Обновить репозиторий GIT” Ответ

Обновить git repo local

git pull origin master
Xerothermic Xenomorph

Как обновить git

git update-git-for-windows

Изменить репозиторий GIT

git remote set-url origin https://github.com/myName/GitTest.git
Joyous Jellyfish

Как обновить git

C:\> git update-git-for-windows
Grumpy Goat

Обновить репозиторий GIT

$ git pull origin master
Real Ratel

Как обновить локальный репозиторий

First, navigate to the desired directory:

$ cd ~/Documents/GitHub/DI-NEON-participants

And then type:

$ git remote add upstream https://github.com/NEONS...

Update local repo using git pull with the added directions of 
upstream indicating the central repository and master specifying 
which branch you are pulling down:

$ git pull upstream master
Bored Coder

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