“git commit” Ответ

Git commit

git commit -a -m "The Commit message"
#commit all changed files with a message

git commit -m "The Commit message"
#commit selected files with a commit message
Michael Futral

Git commit

# The set of commands that were used in the `Git Commit` video

# Add the file to git's staging area, so we can commit it
git add story.txt

# Check the status of the repository
git status

# Commit the changes
git commit -m "Initial commit"

# Check the status of the repository after the commit
git status

# Update the `story.txt` file
nano story.txt

# Check the status again
git status

# Add the file to the staging area
git add story.txt

# Commit
git commit -m "Expand story"

# Ensure the working tree is clean
git status
Fragile Flamingo

git commit

git init
git add --all
git commit -m "Initial Commit"
Fragile Fowl

git commit

git commit 
optional arguments:
-a: commit all changes(not recomended if you're on windows and are not using vim, windows make .swp files, must be very careful)
-m: to add a message, e.g.: git commit -m "message here"

git commit

To commit all changed files with a message

$ git commit -a -m "The Commit message"

To commit selected files with a commit message

$ git commit -m "The Commit message"

To check status

$ git status

git commit

$ git commit -m "Story 182: fix benchmarks for speed"
[master 463dc4f] Story 182: fix benchmarks for speed
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 README
Cruel Camel

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