Триггер событие JavaScript
// Simple trigger event
document.querySelector(theElem).dispatchEvent(new Event('mouseover'))
Lively Leopard
// Simple trigger event
document.querySelector(theElem).dispatchEvent(new Event('mouseover'))
//Listen for the event
window.addEventListener("MyEventType", function(evt) {
}, false);
//Dispatch an event
var evt = new CustomEvent("MyEventType", {detail: "Any Object Here"});
// create a custom event
const custom_event = new CustomEvent("custom_event_name", {
// whether or not the event 'bubbles' up the DOM tree
bubbles: true,
// special property allowing you to provide additional information
detail: {
// to add an event listener
element.addEventListener("custom_event_name", function() {
// event handler
// to trigger an event
const eventDetails = {
'id': elemId
document.dispatchEvent (
new CustomEvent('myCustomEvent', {'detail': eventDetails})