“КБ для MB JS” Ответ

KB к MB JavaScript

const formatBytes = (bytes, decimals = 2) => {
    if (bytes === 0) return '0 Bytes';

    const k = 1024;
    const dm = decimals < 0 ? 0 : decimals;
    const sizes = ["Bytes", "KB", "MB", "GB", "TB", "PB"];
    const i = Math.floor(Math.log(bytes) / Math.log(k));

    return (
        parseFloat((bytes / Math.pow(k, i)).toFixed(dm)) + " " + sizes[i]
Lucas Juan

КБ для MB JS

const units = ['bytes', 'KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB', 'ZB', 'YB'];

function niceBytes(x){

  let l = 0, n = parseInt(x, 10) || 0;

  while(n >= 1024 && ++l){
      n = n/1024;
  //include a decimal point and a tenths-place digit if presenting 
  //less than ten of KB or greater units
  return(n.toFixed(n < 10 && l > 0 ? 1 : 0) + ' ' + units[l]);
Beautiful Bug

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