“Найдите файл имени в CMD” Ответ

cmd Найти файл Dir

# EXAMPLE: show all files that start with abc in the current directory (option: only show filepaths)
dir /b "abc*" 

# dir <your-options-or-switches> "<what-you-are-looking-for>"

# /b    :    Show only filenames 
# /a-d  :    Show files only (no folders)
# /ad   :    Show folders only (no files)
# /s    :    Include the subfolders in the search

# https://www.dummies.com/computers/operating-systems/windows-xp-vista/how-to-search-for-files-from-the-dos-command-prompt/

Найдите файл имени в CMD

echo off

set /p input=masukan nama ? &
set result=| dir /a *.* /b | find "%input%"

echo %result%

goto start
Restu Wahyu Saputra

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