“Окно прокрутите вверх” Ответ

Прокрутите JS

var lastScrollTop = 0;

// element should be replaced with the actual target element on which you have applied scroll, use window in case of no target element.
element.addEventListener("scroll", function(){ // or window.addEventListener("scroll"....
   var st = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop; // Credits: "https://github.com/qeremy/so/blob/master/so.dom.js#L426"
   if (st > lastScrollTop){
      // downscroll code
   } else {
      // upscroll code
   lastScrollTop = st <= 0 ? 0 : st; // For Mobile or negative scrolling
}, false);


scroll function

 top: 0, 
 left: 0, 
 behavior: 'smooth' 

window.scroll(x-coord, y-coord)
Crowded Chimpanzee

Окно прокрутите вверх

// window scroll up and add a class for sticky menu
$(window).scroll(function () {
		if ($(this).scrollTop() > 650) {
		} else {

Прокрутите вверх

    // when click a btn page scroll  and go to home   
    $(window).scroll(function () {
        if ($(this).scrollTop() > 200) {
        } else { $("#scroll-top").fadeOut()}

    $("#scroll-top").click(function () {
        $("html,body").animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, "3000")

// when click a link and go to section smoothly
// smooth scroll for all browser
	$('a').click(function (event) {
		if (this.hash !== '') {
			let hash = this.hash;
			$('html,body').animate({ scrollTop: $(hash).offset().top }, 800, function () {
				window.location.hash = hash;

Прокрутите вверх

Selenium does not have a method for scrolling
but there are some ways to scroll:
#1 ->=moveToElement= coming from Actions class
   will scroll down and up to given web element
#2 Using JSExecutor: We can inject JavaScript
   code in our Java+Selenium code using JSExecutor
   which helps us scroll up, down, left, right.
   We need to create instance of JS executor,
   then cast our driver type of it.
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(); 
JavascriptExecutor jse = (JavascriptExecutor)driver;
jse.executeScript("scroll(0, 250);"); Scroll Down
jse.executeScript("scroll(0,-250);"); Scroll Up

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