JavaScript Scroll до нижней части div
//scroll to the bottom of "#myDiv"
var myDiv = document.getElementById("myDiv");
myDiv.scrollTop = myDiv.scrollHeight;
//scroll to the bottom of "#myDiv"
var myDiv = document.getElementById("myDiv");
myDiv.scrollTop = myDiv.scrollHeight;
const assert = require('assert')
describe('', () => {
it('should demonstrate the scrollIntoView command', async () => {
await browser.url('');
const GitHub = await $('#footer [href=""]')
await GitHub.scrollIntoView();// scroll to specific element
await browser.pause(4000);
it('should demonstrate the scrollIntoView command', async () => {
await browser.url('');
const getstarted = await $('[src=""]')
await getstarted.scrollIntoView();// scroll to specific element
await browser.pause(4000);