объединить два отсортированных списка в один сортированный список

def merge_sorted(head1, head2):
//Initialize three variables pointing at head1, head2 and None
  p = head1
  q = head2
  s = None

//Check if p or q is empty
  if not p:
      return q
  if not q:
      return p

//If p and q are not None proceed
  if p and q:
	//Compare data that p and q are pointing at
      if p.data <= q.data:
      //If p is less than or equal to q then s will point at p 
      //and p will point to next node
          s = p 
          p = s.next
      //Else, s will point to q and q will point at next node
          s = q
          q = s.next
	  //Now we set the value that s is pointing to which is the smallest value of the new linked list
      //as the new head
		  new_head = s
  //While loop which will point to the smaller value between p and q and move the 
  //pointer pointing at that smaller value to the next node until p or q becomes None
  while p and q:
      if p.data <= q.data:
          s.next = p 
          s = p 
          p = s.next
          s.next = q
          s = q
          q = s.next
  //If p or q are None then make s point to the remaining list
  if not p:
      s.next = q 
  if not q:
      s.next = p
  //Update head to the head of the merged list
  head1 = new_head     
  return head1
Defiant Donkey