“реагировать порталы” Ответ

какие порталы в реагировании

Portals provide a first-class way to render children into a DOM node that exists outside the DOM hierarchy of the parent component.
Inquisitive Ibex

реагировать порталы

ReactDOM.createPortal(child, container)
// The first argument (child) is any renderable React child, such as an element, string, or fragment. 
//The second argument (container) is a DOM element.
Embarrassed Eagle

Наиболее распространенные варианты использования порталов в React

A typical use case for portals is when a parent component has an overflow: hidden or z-index style, but you need the child to visually “break out” of its container. For example, dialogs, hovercards, and tooltips. Note: When working with portals, remember that managing keyboard focus becomes very important.
Poor Pygmy

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