“Как открыть кипарис” Ответ

запустить Cypress

./node_modules/.bin/cypress open

Как запустить Cypress Test

./node_modules/.bin/cypress run   // just cypress run wont work

Как открыть кипарис

npx cypress open
Spotless Snail

Горячий, чтобы начать кипарис

npm install cypress                //takes about 3-5 minutes for entire process
./node_modules/.bin/cypress open   // just cypress run wont work

Cypress запустит все файлы в папке

I think you're looking for --spec path/to/folder/*.js

You can run all the tests in a folder, or even in all subfolders of a folder

example:  --spec cypresss/integration/subsetA/**/*.js
would run all .js files in all folders under the "subsetA" folder in cypress/integration.

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