“Как скомпилировать класс JavaScript” Ответ

Как скомпилировать класс JavaScript

// Base "class":
class Base {
    // The code for `Base` goes in this special `constructor` pseudo-method:
    constructor() {
        this.baseProp = 42;

    // A method to put on the `prototype` object (an "instance method"):
    baseMethod() {

    // A method to put on the constructor (a "static method"):
    static foo() {
        console.log("This is foo");

// Derived "class":
class Derived extends Base {
//            ^------------------ defines the prototype behind `Derived.prototype`
    // The code for `Derived`:
    constructor() {
        // Call super constructor (`Base`) to initialize `Base`'s stuff:

        // Properties to initialize when called:
        this.derivedProp = "the answer";

    // Overridden instance method:
    baseMethod() {
        // Supercall to `baseMethod`:

        // ...
        console.log("new stuff");

    // Another instance method:
    derivedMethod() {
lucky shark

Как скомпилировать класс JavaScript

// Base "class":
class Base {
    // The code for `Base` goes in this special `constructor` pseudo-method:
    constructor() {
        this.baseProp = 42;

    // A method to put on the `prototype` object (an "instance method"):
    baseMethod() {

    // A method to put on the constructor (a "static method"):
    static foo() {
        console.log("This is foo");

// Derived "class":
class Derived extends Base {
//            ^------------------ defines the prototype behind `Derived.prototype`
    // The code for `Derived`:
    constructor() {
        // Call super constructor (`Base`) to initialize `Base`'s stuff:

        // Properties to initialize when called:
        this.derivedProp = "the answer";

    // Overridden instance method:
    baseMethod() {
        // Supercall to `baseMethod`:

        // ...
        console.log("new stuff");

    // Another instance method:
    derivedMethod() {
lucky shark

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