Android Studio делает тосты появляются в верхней части экрана
// v is the Button view that you want the Toast to appear above
// and messageId is the id of your string resource for the message
private void displayToastAboveButton(View v, int messageId)
int xOffset = 0;
int yOffset = 0;
Rect gvr = new Rect();
View parent = (View) v.getParent();
int parentHeight = parent.getHeight();
if (v.getGlobalVisibleRect(gvr))
View root = v.getRootView();
int halfWidth = root.getRight() / 2;
int halfHeight = root.getBottom() / 2;
int parentCenterX = ((gvr.right - gvr.left) / 2) + gvr.left;
int parentCenterY = ((gvr.bottom - / 2) +;
if (parentCenterY <= halfHeight)
yOffset = -(halfHeight - parentCenterY) - parentHeight;
yOffset = (parentCenterY - halfHeight) - parentHeight;
if (parentCenterX < halfWidth)
xOffset = -(halfWidth - parentCenterX);
if (parentCenterX >= halfWidth)
xOffset = parentCenterX - halfWidth;
Toast toast = Toast.makeText(getActivity(), messageId, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT);
toast.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER, xOffset, yOffset);;
Hilarious Hyena