“Python Palindrome String” Ответ

Как напечатать палиндром в 100 между 250 в питоне

>>> def isPalindrome(s):
    ''' check if a number is a Palindrome '''
    s = str(s)
    return s == s[::-1]

>>> def generate_palindrome(minx,maxx):
    ''' return a list of Palindrome number in a given range '''
    tmpList = []
    for i in range(minx,maxx+1):
        if isPalindrome(i):

    return tmpList

>>> generate_palindrome(1,120)

[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99, 101, 111]
Disgusted Dingo

Python Palindrome

def palindrome(a):
    return a == a[::-1]

palindrome('radar') 		# True

Палиндром Слова Python

mes=input("Enter the word and see if it is palindrome ")
if mes==mes[::-1]:
    print("This word is palindrome")
    print("This word is not palindrome")
Zany Zebra

Python Palindrome String

s = "001100"

if s == s[::-1]:
    print("palindrome string")
    print("Not a palindrome string.")
Excited Earthworm

Функция палиндрома Python

bilangan = (5 % 3 ** 2) + (3 + 2 * 2) * (4 - 2) 
Shy Squirrel

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