“Спасибо, помощники коронавируса” Ответ

Спасибо, помощники коронавируса

Thank you to the coronavirus helpers! #Stay_Home #Be_Safe 
Pleasant Panda

Спасибо, помощники коронавируса

Filthy Fish

Спасибо, помощники коронавируса

System.out.println("Thank you coronavirus helpers");

Спасибо, помощники коронавируса

<h1>Thanks coronavirus helpers!</h1>
<p>Everyone reading this, we will get through this together - 
  really, we will. But we will only get through this with the help
  of everyone behind the scenes working to stop the pandemic. I'm a 
  12-year-old, so things really scare me. Even so, I will (like
  everyone else) be brave and face my fears. Thank you. No seriously
  thank you people helping to stop COVID-19! From truck drivers to
  social workers to nurses, we all thank you from the bottom of
  our hearts. </p>
Kid Who Codes Too Much

Спасибо, помощники коронавируса

echo "Thank you coronavirus helpers";
Careful Chipmunk

Спасибо, помощники коронавируса

#StayHome StaySafe
print("Thankyou coronavirus helper")
Condemned Chicken

Спасибо, помощники коронавируса

<h1>Thank you coronavirus helpers, without your help we are nothing 
in this situation. #MaskOnFace</h1>
Repulsive Rhinoceros

Спасибо, помощники коронавируса

Thanks a lot, coronavirus helpers!!! #WearAMask #StaySafe
Condemned Chamois

Спасибо, помощники коронавируса

Wear Mask,maintain social distancing & wash hands
And thanks to all covid warriors including 
doctors,nurses,police officer,transport service,daily needs supplier each & everyone 
from deep of my heart
We are still fighting with this virus so,
stay at home and take care of everyone especially elder ones
#NeverGiveUp #SaveHumanity
Mysterious Magpie

Спасибо, помощники коронавируса

Thanks for helping us slow the spread of Cov-19  coronavirus helpers! #Stay_Home #Be_Safe 
Uninterested Unicorn

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