Разница между методом и функцией в пихоне

# What is Python Method ?
# Python Method
# 1.Method is called by its name, but it is associated to an object (dependent).
# 2.A method definition always includes ‘self’ as its first parameter.
# 3.A method is implicitly passed the object on which it is invoked.
# 4.It may or may not return any data.
# 5.A method can operate on the data (instance variables) that is contained 
#   by the corresponding class

# Basic Python Method Structure
class class_name
    def method_name () :
        # method body
# Python 3  User-Defined  Method
class ABC :
    def method_abc (self):
        print("I am in method_abc of ABC class. ")
class_ref = ABC() # object of ABC class

# Output:
# I am in method_abc of ABC class

# Python 3 Inbuilt method :
import math
ceil_val = math.ceil(15.25)
print( "Ceiling value of 15.25 is : ", ceil_val)

# Output:
# Ceiling value of 15.25 is :  16
Murad Ali