“Python Как печатать ввод” Ответ

ввод пользователя Python Print

name = input("Hi! What’s your name ? ")
print("Nice to meet you " + name + "!")

age = input("How old are you ? ")

print("So, you are already " + str(age) + " years old, " + name + " !")

Python Как печатать ввод

#To print user input, take the input from the user and store it as a variable. For example I named the variable "name" because that is the question the user will answer.
name = input("What is your name?")
#Then enter in a print command to actually print the user input. Change the "name" variable to the variable you named it.
print("Nice to meet you," + name)
#Feel free to copy and paste the code and edit it to your liking. Hope this helped!
mauro medina

Печать ввода в Python

# Take input from user and store it as a variable. E.g. I store the input as 'user_inp'
user_inp = input("Enter anything you want: ")

#Now you can print it by using print function
print("You entered ", user_inp)
# If you don't want "You entered " you can simply write as:- print(user_inp)
ig - thecoder.ashish

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