“Проверка подключения Postgres” Ответ

Проверьте соединение PostgreSQL DB

psql -U kodekloud_aim -d kodekloud_db8 -h -W  ## Change name according to question
#### for the test on mode postgres u have
## \conninfo 
## \l
## \dg+
## \q   # to quit
psql -U kodekloud_gem -d kodekloud_db10 -h localhost -W
Glamorous Giraffe

Проверка подключения Postgres

from sqlalchemy import event
from sqlalchemy import create_engine

engine = create_engine("postgresql+psycopg2://scott:tiger@host/dbname")

@event.listens_for(engine, "connect", insert=True)
def set_search_path(dbapi_connection, connection_record):
    existing_autocommit = dbapi_connection.autocommit
    dbapi_connection.autocommit = True
    cursor = dbapi_connection.cursor()
    cursor.execute("SET SESSION search_path='%s'" % schema_name)
    dbapi_connection.autocommit = existing_autocommit
Gani Vk

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