“Обновите Anaconda” Ответ

Обновите Anaconda из CMD

// to update anaconda 
conda update conda

// to update all anaconda package
conda update --all

Обновите Anaconda

conda update --all
Exuberant Earthworm

Как обновить Python с помощью Anaconda/Conda

# If want to update python type
conda update python

# To update anaconda type 
conda update anaconda

# a) If you want to upgrade between major python version like 3.5 to 3.6, you'll have to do
conda install python=$pythonversion$

# b) Method 2 - Create a new environment (Better Method)
conda create --name py36 python=3.6

# c) To get the absolute latest python(3.6.5 at time of writing)
conda create --name py365 python=3.6.5 --channel conda-forge

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