Подзадачи в основном маршруте не получают статические файлы ExpressJs
// Make the href or the src absolute path instead of a relative path
// by adding / at the beginning of the path
// before - relative path
<link rel="stylesheet" href="stylesheets/style.css">
// dependent on which route you are visiting
// on http://localhost:3000/article/create, it will search for style.css
// in the http://localhost:3000/article/stylesheets/style.css url
// which is wrong ( not the public directory )
// after - absolute path
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./stylesheets/style.css">
// independent of which route you are visiting
// will always search for your files in the public directory
// Courtesy: Sadeen Alaa - https://stackoverflow.com/users/11689488/sadeen-alaa
Horny Dev