“Ответ возврата Axios из отдельного файла” Ответ

Axios отправить файл

var formData = new FormData();
var imagefile = document.querySelector('#file');
formData.append("image", imagefile.files[0]);
axios.post('upload_file', formData, {
    headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data'

Ответ возврата Axios из отдельного файла

import axios from 'axios';

export const onAuthenticate = payload => {
  const URL = `YOUR_URL`;
  return axios(URL, {
    method: 'POST/GET',
    headers: {
      'content-type': 'application/json', // whatever you want
    data: payload,
    .then(response => response.data)
    .catch(error => {
      throw error;
in you App.js

import * as AuthenticateAPI from 'api/AuthenticationAPI';

 // in your CDM
  AuthenticateAPI.onAuthenticate(payload).then((res)=>{ //any payload you want to send just for example
    you can get response here in then block
Clear Copperhead

Ответ возврата Axios из отдельного файла

import axios from 'axios';

export function getData(config, callback, errorcallback){
    axios.get(url, config)
    .then(res => {
      //do something
      if(callback != null){
    .catch(err => {
      // catch error
      if(errorcallback != null){
In any component, use as follows

// get the location of your apicalls.js file and use to import like below
import { getData } from '../../routetothisjsfile'

//use it 
var config = { "Access-Control-Allow-Origin": "*" }
getData(config, (res) => {
},(err) => {
Clear Copperhead

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