глубокие слияния вложенные объекты JavaScript
function clone(obj, isStrictlySafe = false) {
/* Clones an object. First attempt is safe. If it errors (e.g. from a circular reference),
'isStrictlySafe' determines if error is thrown or an unsafe clone is returned. */
try {
return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj));
} catch(err) {
if (isStrictlySafe) { throw new Error(err) }
console.warn(`Unsafe clone of object`, obj);
return {...obj};
function merge(target, source, {isMutatingOk = false, isStrictlySafe = false} = {}) {
/* Returns a deep merge of source into target.
Does not mutate target unless isMutatingOk = true. */
target = isMutatingOk ? target : clone(target, isStrictlySafe);
for (const [key, val] of Object.entries(source)) {
if (val !== null && typeof val === `object`) {
if (target[key] === undefined) {
target[key] = new val.__proto__.constructor();
/* even where isMutatingOk = false, recursive calls only work on clones, so they can always
safely mutate --- saves unnecessary cloning */
target[key] = merge(target[key], val, {isMutatingOk: true, isStrictlySafe});
} else {
target[key] = val;
return target;
Kamran Taghaddos