“JavaScript уменьшает массив объектов” Ответ

JavaScript уменьшает массив объектов

var objs = [
  {name: "Peter", age: 35},
  {name: "John", age: 27},
  {name: "Jake", age: 28}

objs.reduce(function(accumulator, currentValue) {
  return accumulator + currentValue.age;
}, 0); // 35 + 27 + 28 = 90

Уменьшите массив для объекта JavaScript

const posts = [
    {id: 1, category: "frontend", title: "All About That Sass"},
    {id: 2, category: "backend", title: "Beam me up, Scotty: Apache Beam tips"},
    {id: 3, category: "frontend", title: "Sanitizing HTML: Going antibactirial on XSS attacks"}

const categoryPosts = posts.reduce((acc, post) => {
    let {id, category} = post;
    return {...acc, [category]: [...(acc[category] || []), id]};
}, {});
Bright Baboon

JavaScript уменьшается

var array = [36, 25, 6, 15];

array.reduce(function(accumulator, currentValue) {
  return accumulator + currentValue;
}, 0); // 36 + 25 + 6 + 15 = 82

уменьшить объект на массив JavaScript

var arr = [{x:1},{x:2},{x:4}];

arr.reduce(function (a, b) {
  return {x: a.x + b.x}; // returns object with property x

// ES6
arr.reduce((a, b) => ({x: a.x + b.x}));

// -> {x: 7}
Jealous Jay

массив OBJ в OBJ с уменьшением

const convertArrayToObject = (array, key) => {
  const initialValue = {};
  return array.reduce((obj, item) => {
    return {
      [item[key]]: item,
  }, initialValue);
Lonely Lyrebird

Арри, чтобы возразить, используя уменьшение

const posts = [
    {id: 1, category: "frontend", title: "All About That Sass"},
    {id: 2, category: "backend", title: "Beam me up, Scotty: Apache Beam tips"},
    {id: 3, category: "frontend", title: "Sanitizing HTML: Going antibactirial on XSS attacks"}

const categoryPosts = posts.reduce((acc, post) => {
    let {id, category} = post;
    return {...acc, [category]: [...(acc[category] || []), id]};
}, {});
Luiz Guilherme Bestel

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