“Фильтруя массивы объектов” Ответ

Как отфильтровать массив объектов в JavaScript

let arr=[{id:1,title:'A', status:true}, {id:3,title:'B',status:true}, {id:2, title:'xys', status:true}];
//find where title=B
let x = arr.filter((a)=>{if(a.title=='B'){return a}});
Handsome Hedgehog

JavaScript Filter Marray объектов

let people = [
  { name: "Steve", age: 27, country: "America" },
  { name: "Jacob", age: 24, country: "America" }

let filteredPeople = people.filter(function (currentElement) {
  // the current value is an object, so you can check on its properties
  return currentElement.country === "America" && currentElement.age < 25;

// [{ name: "Jacob", age: 24, country: "America" }]
Wicked Wryneck

JavaScript Filter Masse Of Objects Marray

var arr = [1,2,3,4],
    brr = [2,4],
    res = arr.filter(f => !brr.includes(f));
Powerful Penguin

Фильтровая массива объектов с массивом объектов

const myArray = [{ userid: "100", projectid: "10", rowid: "0" }, { userid: "101", projectid: "11", rowid: "1"}, { userid: "102", projectid: "12", rowid: "2" }, { userid: "103", projectid: "13", rowid: "3" }, { userid: "101", projectid: "10", rowid: "4" }];
const myFilter = [{ userid: "101", projectid: "11" }, { userid: "102", projectid: "12" }, { userid: "103",  projectid: "11"}];

const myArrayFiltered = myArray.filter((el) => {
  return myFilter.some((f) => {
    return f.userid === el.userid && f.projectid === el.projectid;


Фильтруя массивы объектов

objects.filter((value, index, self) => {
  return self.findIndex(v => v.actor.name === value.actor.name) === index;
Nervous Narwhal

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