нитрит получает структуру репо

// extracts all objects from the repository
org.dizitart.no2.objects.Cursor<Employee> cursor = repository.find();

// extracts paginated employee records from the repository
Cursor<Employee> cursor = repository.find(limit(0, 1));

// extracts all employee records and sorts them based on the value of 'age' field
Cursor<Employee> cursor = repository.find(sort("age", SortOrder.Ascending));

// extracts all employee records where value of 'age' field is greater than 30
Cursor<Employee> cursor = repository.find(ObjectFilters.gt("age", 30));

// finds all employee records where 'age' field value is greater than 30
// then sorts those records in ascending order and takes first 10 records
Cursor<Employee> cursor = repository.find(ObjectFilters.gt("age", 30),
                                        sort("age", SortOrder.Ascending)
                                        .thenLimit(0, 10));

// gets a employee from the repository corresponding to a NitriteId
Employee employee = repository.getById(id);
Clean Cowfish