“HTML цветные коды” Ответ

RGB Blue Color Code

(128,0,128)    Hex  #800080

RGB Blue Color Code

 rgb(255,255,0)  /* yellow*/  Hex  #FFFF00

HTML цветные коды

<!-- htmlcolorcodes.com is a great place to find color codes! -->
<!-- With HTML, you can use rgb('0,0,0') colors to get the result,
or you can use the color code, such as #FFFFFF. Multiple text editors
allow you to use only the first three letters/numbers of the color,
such as VS Code. Using that system, it would be #FFF instead. -->

<!-- You can also use color codes with CSS, it is much easier.
Search up "css color codes" to see my answer for that! :D -->
You on Kazoo!

HTML Color

<h1 style="background-color:DodgerBlue;">Hello World</h1>
<p style="background-color:Tomato;">Lorem ipsum...</p>
Coding boy Hasya

HTML цветные коды

#1ca69d     #e31ce0      #c13e72      #99b34d    #3affb9
#6c7093     #b35ba0      #1b1452
Jessel Baraka

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