указатель на функцию c

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

void (*StartSd)(); // function pointer
void (*StopSd)();  // function pointer

void space()

void StopSound() // funtion
    printf("\nSound has Stopped");

void StartSound() // function
    printf("\nSound has Started");

void main()

    StartSd = StartSound; // Assign pointer to function
    StopSd = StopSound;   // Assign pointer to function

    (*StartSd)(); // Call the function with the pointer
    (*StopSd)();  // Call the Function with the pointer


    StartSd(); // Call the function with the pointer
    StopSd();  // Call the function with the pointer


    StartSound(); // Calling the function by name.
    StopSound();  // Calling the function by name.
Dirty Moose