Как мне установить выскочку?


Я использую Ubuntu 10.04.

Я устанавливаю upstart с ошибочными зависимостями.

 sam@sam-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install upstart
 Reading package lists... Done
 Building dependency tree       
 Reading state information... Done
 Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
 requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
 distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
 or been moved out of Incoming.
 The following information may help to resolve the situation:

 The following packages have unmet dependencies:
   upstart: Depends: libnih-dbus1 (>= 1.0.0) but it is not going to be installed
            Depends: libnih1 (>= 1.0.0) but it is not going to be installed
            Depends: mountall but it is not going to be installed
 E: Broken packages

Мой список источников:

 deb cdrom:[Ubuntu 10.04.3 LTS _Lucid Lynx_ - Release i386 (20110720.1)]/ lucid      main restricted
 # See http://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes for how to upgrade to
 # newer versions of the distribution.

 deb http://tw.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid main restricted
 deb-src http://tw.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid main restricted

 ## Major bug fix updates produced after the final release of the
 ## distribution.
 deb http://tw.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid-updates main restricted
 deb-src http://tw.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid-updates main restricted

 ## N.B. software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu
 ## team. Also, please note that software in universe WILL NOT receive any
 ## review or updates from the Ubuntu security team.
 deb http://tw.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid universe
 deb-src http://tw.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid universe
 deb http://tw.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid-updates universe
 deb-src http://tw.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid-updates universe

 ## N.B. software from this repository is ENTIRELY UNSUPPORTED by the Ubuntu 
 ## team, and may not be under a free licence. Please satisfy yourself as to 
 ## your rights to use the software. Also, please note that software in 
 ## multiverse WILL NOT receive any review or updates from the Ubuntu
 ## security team.
 deb http://tw.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid multiverse
 deb-src http://tw.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid multiverse
 deb http://tw.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid-updates multiverse
 deb-src http://tw.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid-updates multiverse

 ## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from the 'backports'
 ## repository.
 ## N.B. software from this repository may not have been tested as
 ## extensively as that contained in the main release, although it includes
 ## newer versions of some applications which may provide useful features.
 ## Also, please note that software in backports WILL NOT receive any review
 ## or updates from the Ubuntu security team.
 # deb http://tw.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid-backports main restricted      universe multiverse
 # deb-src http://tw.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ lucid-backports main restricted      universe multiverse

 ## Uncomment the following two lines to add software from Canonical's
 ## 'partner' repository.
 ## This software is not part of Ubuntu, but is offered by Canonical and the
 ## respective vendors as a service to Ubuntu users.
 # deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu lucid partner
 # deb-src http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu lucid partner

 deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu lucid-security main restricted
 deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu lucid-security main restricted
 deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu lucid-security universe
 deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu lucid-security universe
 deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu lucid-security multiverse
 deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu lucid-security multiverse

 deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick-updates main universe      restricted
 deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ maverick-updates main universe      restricted

 deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu maverick-security main restricted
 deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu maverick-security main restricted
 deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu maverick-security universe
 deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu maverick-security universe
 deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu maverick-security multiverse
 deb-src http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu maverick-security multiverse

Как мне это решить?




Ваш sources.listфайл содержит смесь источников lucid и maverick


deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu lucid-security main restricted

а также

deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu maverick-security main restricted

Я бы порекомендовал вам заменить содержимое sources.list рекомендованным списком (см. Связанный вопрос ниже).

Измените все ссылки на "maverick" на "lucid"

Затем снова откройте ваш sources.list и измените сервер загрузки на ближайшую страну, в которой вы находитесь в данный момент.

наконец беги

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade

чтобы убедиться, что ваши репозитории успешно синхронизированы

Связанный вопрос:

  1. Мне нужна копия файла по умолчанию /etc/apt/sources.list
свобода ископаемых

Если вы пришли сюда и ваши источники в порядке, но проблема все еще есть ... проверьте это. Это может быть большая проблема. http://jeff-traylor.posterous.com/painful-ubuntu-upgrade-from-1104-to-1110

Добро пожаловать в Спросите Ubuntu! Хотя это может теоретически ответить на вопрос, было бы предпочтительным включить сюда основные части ответа и предоставить ссылку для справки.