VBA при ошибке goto retry
'Counter for the errors
ErrorCount = 0
GoTo CheckConnection 'This statement is pointless if the label is directly after it
'Try to execute the query
' This says to go to BadConnection if an error occurs after it,
' not if an error occurred previously
On Error GoTo BadConnection
db.Execute sqlq
' Start allowing errors to crash Excel again
On Error GoTo 0
'Query worked - continue processing
Exit Sub
'Error handling code
' Start allowing errors to crash Excel again
On Error GoTo 0
If ErrorCount = 5 Then
'If the query failed 5x, just give up and show the error message
MsgBox "Giving up"
Exit Sub
End If
'Add +1 to the counter
ErrorCount = ErrorCount + 1
'Allow the application to wait for 5 minutes
Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:05:00"))
'Try the query again by Resuming at CheckConnection
Resume CheckConnection
Braxton Bell