“Как сделать SSH” Ответ

SSH Login

ssh [username]@[ip]

Как сделать SSH

//For me I only needed to do steps 2,4 and 5 in that order.

// 1.Install openssh if needed
pacman -S openssh

// 2.Verify SSH service status
systemctl status sshd.service

// 3.Edit SSH daemon config file if needed
nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

// 4.Enable SSH service
systemctl enable sshd.service

// 5.Start SSH service
systemctl start sshd.service

// 6.Verify SSH service is working properly
// This is where you attempt to SSH into the server you just set up
// to see if it actually works

//Grepper Note: this is a copy of the answer to "how to open ssh on port 22 manjaro"

доступ к сеансу SSH

ssh -i <KEY CERTIFICATE | .ppk or .pem file> <URL for local or remote server>  
Brainy Bear

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