“Установите размер окна Tkinter” Ответ

Установите размер окна Tkinter

# Change window_name to the name of the window object, i.e. root
# To ensure widgets resize:
widget_name.pack(fill="both", expand=True)
The Rambling Lank

максимальный размер окна Tkinter

from tkinter import *
root = Tk()
root.maxsize(height, width)
root.minsize(height, width) #(69, 420)

Python tkinter устанавливает минимальный размер окна

# Set min window size
root = Tk()
root.minsize(500, 500)
Hello There

Как изменить размер окна Tkinter

import tkinter

window = tkinter.Tk()       # creating the window object
window.title('my first GUI program')
window.minsize(width=600, height=500)    # makes the window 500*600

window.mainloop()           # keeping the window until we close it
Tejas Naik

Python Tkinter определяет размер окна

window = Tk()
#set window size
Victorious Vendace

Положение размера окна Tkinter

 window = Tk() 	# or window = TopLevel()
 # "350x150" == window size (350 pixels wide and 150 pixels high)
 # "+220+80" == window position (220 pixels from the left screen margin and
 # 				80 pixels from the top screen margin
Stupid Shrew

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