“Python заменить корпус” Ответ

Python заменить корпус

import re
s = "Example String"
replaced = re.sub('[ES]', 'a', s)
print replaced 
# will print 'axample atring'
Grieving Goose

Str заменить питона режима

import re
line = re.sub(r"</?\[\d+>", "", line)

# Comented version
line = re.sub(r"""
  (?x) # Use free-spacing mode.
  <    # Match a literal '<'
  /?   # Optionally match a '/'
  \[   # Match a literal '['
  \d+  # Match one or more digits
  >    # Match a literal '>'
  """, "", line)

Замена значения в строке с использованием Aregular Expression Pyhton

import re

s = 'aaa@xxx.com bbb@yyy.com ccc@zzz.com'

print(re.sub('[a-z]*@', 'ABC@', s))
# ABC@xxx.com ABC@yyy.com ABC@zzz.com
Glorious Guanaco

Найдите и замените подвод в Word Python Regex

result = re.sub(r"Pulp Fiction", "Forrest Gump", text)
Selfish Seal

Python заменить корпус

# Limit the maximum number of pattern occurrences to be replaced
# replace three occurrence of space with '-'
target_str = "a b c d e f"
res_str = re.sub(r"\s", "-", target_str, count=3)
# Output a-b-c-d e f
Jittery Jaguar

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