“Python Fibonacci последовательность” Ответ

Фибоначчи Питон

# Implement the fibonacci sequence
	# (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, etc...)
	def fib(n):
		if n== 0 or n== 1:
			return n
		return fib (n- 1) + fib (n- 2) 
Clean Cowfish

Фибоначчи последовательность Python

def fib(n):
    a = 0
    b = 1


    for i in range(2, n):
        a, b = b, a + b

fib(7) #first seven nubers of Fibonacci sequence
Crazy Copperhead

Фибоначчи последовательность Python

# WARNING: this program assumes the
# fibonacci sequence starts at 1
def fib(num):
  """return the number at index num in the fibonacci sequence"""
  if num <= 2:
    return 1
  return fib(num - 1) + fib(num - 2)

print(fib(6))  # 8
Blue-eyed Barracuda

Фибоначчи последовательность Python

num = 1
num1 = 0
num2 = 1
import time
for i in range(0, 10):
    num = num1 + num2
    num1 = num2
    num2 = num
Henry Bass

Функция Python fibonacci

>>> def fib(n):    # write Fibonacci series up to n
...     """Print a Fibonacci series up to n."""
...     a, b = 0, 1
...     while a < n:
...         print(a, end=' ')
...         a, b = b, a+b
...     print()
>>> # Now call the function we just defined:
... fib(2000)
0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987 1597
Green Team

Python Fibonacci последовательность

Number = int(input("How many terms? "))
# first two terms
First_Value, Second_Value = 0, 1
i = 0
if Number <= 0:
print("Please enter a positive integer")
elif Number == 1:
print("Fibonacci sequence upto",Number,":")
print("Fibonacci sequence:")
while i < Number:
Next = First_Value + Second_Value
# update values
First_Value = Second_Value
Second_Value = Next
i += 1
Gleaming Grasshopper

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