“Как создать Fastapi” Ответ


pip install fastapi
pip install uvicorn # ASGI server
pip install starlette # lightweight ASGI framework/toolkit
pip install pydantic # Data validation and type annotations
# OR
pip install fastapi uvicorn starlette pydantic

Как создать Fastapi

from fastapi import FastAPI
import uvicorn
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB
from pydantic import BaseModel
# Creating FastAPI instance
app = FastAPI()
# Creating class to define the request body
# and the type hints of each attribute
class request_body(BaseModel):
    sepal_length : float
    sepal_width : float
    petal_length : float
    petal_width : float
# Loading Iris Dataset
iris = load_iris()
# Getting our Features and Targets
X = iris.data
Y = iris.target
# Creating and Fitting our Model
clf = GaussianNB()
# Creating an Endpoint to receive the data
# to make prediction on.
def predict(data : request_body):
    # Making the data in a form suitable for prediction
    test_data = [[
    # Predicting the Class
    class_idx = clf.predict(test_data)[0]
    # Return the Result
    return { 'class' : iris.target_names[class_idx]}
Hurt Horse

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