“Генератор алгоритма Python” Ответ

Python случайное число

from random import randint


#Possible Outputs#

Генератор алгоритма Python

Name = input("Enter name of student: ")
Address = input("Enter Full Address: ")
Mobile = int(input("Enter Mobile NUmber: "))
Colg = input("Enter name of College: ")
Course = input("Enter the Course Name: ")
Sub1 = input("Enter the core subject1: ")
Sub2 = input("Enter the core subject2: ")
print("Name:", Name, "Address:", Address, "Mobile:", Mobile, "College:", Colg, "Course:", Course, " 
Sub1:", Sub1, " Sub2:", Sub2)
print("Name:", Name)
print("Address:", Address)
print("Mobile:", Mobile)
print("College:", Colg)
print("Course:", Course)
print("Sub1:", Sub1)
print("Sub2:", Sub2)
Brave Bear

Генератор алгоритма Python

i=int(input('Enter the length of the list : '))
for x in range(0,i):
 y=float(input('Enter the numbers for the list : '))
print(f'Your Inputted List is : {list1}')
#To Find the largest number
#To Find the position of the largest number
print(f'The largest number of the list is {max1}, and the position is{index1}.') 
Witty Walrus

Генератор алгоритма Python

Name = input("Enter name of student: ")
Address = input("Enter Full Address: ")
Mobile = int(input("Enter Mobile NUmber: "))
Colg = input("Enter name of College: ")
Course = input("Enter the Course Name: ")
Sub1 = input("Enter the core subject1: ")
Sub2 = input("Enter the core subject2: ")
print("Name:", Name, "Address:", Address, "Mobile:", Mobile, "College:", Colg, "Course:", Course, " 
Sub1:", Sub1, " Sub2:", Sub2)
print("Name:", Name)
print("Address:", Address)
print("Mobile:", Mobile)
print("College:", Colg)
print("Course:", Course)
print("Sub1:", Sub1)
print("Sub2:", Sub2)

Brave Bear

Генератор алгоритма Python

import numpy as np
import sys

def inverse(a):
    n = len(a) #defining the range through which loops will run
    #constructing the n X 2n augmented matrix
    P = np.eye(n)

    a = np.concatenate((a, P), axis=1)
    #main loop for gaussian elimination begins here
    for k in range(n):
        if abs(a[k][k]) < 1.0e-12:
            for i in range(k+1, n):
                if abs(a[i][k]) > abs(a[k][k]):
                    for j in range(k, 2*n):
                        a[k][j], a[i][j] = a[i][j], a[k][j] #swapping of rows
        pivot = a[k][k] #defining the pivot
        if pivot == 0: #checking if matrix is invertible
            print("This matrix is not invertible.")
            for j in range(k, 2*n): #index of columns of the pivot row
                a[k][j] /= pivot
            for i in range(n): #index the subtracted rows
                if i == k or a[i][k] == 0: continue
                factor = a[i][k]
                for j in range(k, 2*n): #index the columns for subtraction
                    a[i][j] -= factor * a[k][j]
    for i in range(len(a)): #displaying the matrix
        for j in range(n, len(a[0])):
            print(a[i][j], end = " ")
a = np.array([[0, 2, 1], [1, 1, 2], [2, 1, 1]])
# n = len(a)
# a = np.concatenate((a, np.eye(n)), axis=1)
Zülal Özgül

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