“Вывод в JavaScript” Ответ

Как печатать на экран в JavaScript

console.log("Hello World!");
alert("Console has been updated.");

JavaScript print

console.log("Who's Joe?")

Вывод в JavaScript

console.log(a);             // write to the browser console
document.write(a);          // write to the HTML
alert(a);                   // output in an alert box
confirm("Really?");         // yes/no dialog, returns true/false depending on user click
prompt("Your age?","0");    // input dialog. Second argument is the initial value

JavaScript print/output

console.log(a);             // write to the browser console
document.write(a);          // write to the HTML
alert(a);                   // output in an alert box
confirm("Really?");         // yes/no dialog, returns true/false depending on user click
prompt("Your age?","0");    // input dialog. Second argument is the initial value
Curious Cicada

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