“тип объекта JavaScript” Ответ

Тип JavaScript

//typeof() will return the type of value in its parameters.
//some examples of types: undefined, NaN, number, string, object, array

//example of a practical usage
if (typeof(value) !== "undefined") {//also, make sure that the type name is a string
  	//execute code
The Amateur

js typef number

console.log(typeof 93);
// Output = "number"

console.log(typeof 'Maximum');
// Output = 'string'

console.log(typeof false);
// Output = "boolean"

console.log(typeof anUndeclaredVariable);
// Output = "undefined"

Проверьте тип данных в JS

typeof("iAmAString");//This should return 'string'
//NO camelCase, as it is a JS Keyword

тип объекта JavaScript

console.log(typeof 42);
// expected output: "number"

console.log(typeof 'hello');
// expected output: "string"
Enchanting Echidna

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