“Скопируйте в буфер обмена reatjs” Ответ

Реактируйте копию в буфер обмена

onClick={() => {navigator.clipboard.writeText(this.state.textToCopy)}}
Disgusted Dugong

Как копировать в буфер обмена в React JS

  onClick={() =>  navigator.clipboard.writeText('Copy this text to clipboard')}
Inquisitive Ibex

Скопируйте в буфер обмена reatjs

import React, { useRef, useState } from 'react';

export default function CopyExample() {

  const [copySuccess, setCopySuccess] = useState('');
  const textAreaRef = useRef(null);

  function copyToClipboard(e) {
    // This is just personal preference.
    // I prefer to not show the the whole text area selected.

  return (
       /* Logical shortcut for only displaying the 
          button if the copy command exists */
       document.queryCommandSupported('copy') &&
          <button onClick={copyToClipboard}>Copy</button> 
          value='Some text to copy'
Adorable Anteater

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