“приведите пример JavaScript” Ответ

метод привязки в JavaScript

let obj = {
    name: "Abhi",
    age: 28,
    info: function() {
        console.log(`${this.name}  is  ${this.age} year's old`);//template literals used here
let obj1 = {
    name: "Vikash",
    age: 28,

obj.info.bind(obj1)(); //since bind methods return a new function so 
//we can directly call that function[()] without pollouting global
//space while assigning a varibale to call that function.
//Always try to make global space neat n clean ,
//dont polloute while assigning unnecessary variables. 
Brave Soul

связывать в JavaScript

bind() returns a bound function that, when executed later, will have the correct context ("this") for calling the original function.
Confused Curlew

Каково использование Bind () в JavaScript?

var myButton = {
  content: 'OK',
  click() {
    console.log(this.content + ' clicked');


var looseClick = myButton.click;
looseClick(); // not bound, 'this' is not myButton - it is the globalThis

var boundClick = myButton.click.bind(myButton);
boundClick(); // bound, 'this' is myButton
Rashad Almaqtary

приведите пример JavaScript

var persona = {
  nombre: 'Franco',
  apellido: 'Chequer',

  getNombre: function(){
    var nombreCompleto = this.nombre + ' ' + this.apellido;
    return nombreCompleto;

var logNombre = function(){

var logNombrePersona = logNombre.bind(persona);

logNombrePersona(); //'Franco'
Sleepy Scarab

Метод связывания в JS

ar bikeDetails = {
    displayDetails: function(registrationNumber,brandName){
    return this.name+ " , "+ "bike details: "+ registrationNumber + " , " + brandName;
var person1 = {name:  "Vivek"};
var detailsOfPerson1 = bikeDetails.displayDetails.bind(person1, "TS0122", "Bullet");
// Binds the displayDetails function to the person1 object
// Returns Vivek, bike details: TS0452, Thunderbird
pranav preethi

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