“опубликовать запрос” Ответ

Сообщение с httpie

echo '{"example": "exampleData"}' | http POST https://addressToPost.com/post
// OR
http POST https://addressToPost.com/post example=exampleData
// Both work the same way

опубликовать запрос

const createPostRequest = async () => {
		const { data } = await axios.post(url, body_data, {
		   headers: {
	    	 'Authorization': `Basic ${token}`
	} catch (error) {

Inquisitive Iguana

Запросить сообщение

import requests
import logging

API_KEY = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
API_ENDPOINT = "https://sample.endpoint.php"
       # your source data eg format
       source_data = {"key":list(values)}
       # header to be sent to api
       headers = {"api-key" : API_KEY}
       # sending post request and saving response as response object
       r = requests.post(url = API_ENDPOINT, json=source_data, headers=headers)
       logging.info("Data push was completed with status code :"+str(r.status_code))
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
       logging.info("error occured : "+ str(e) +"\nstatus code:"+str(r.status_code))
Shantam Vijayputra

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