“Логические операторы в JavaScript” Ответ

JavaScript Logical Operators

Operator	Description	Example
&&	Logical AND: true if both the operands are true, else returns false	x && y
||	Logical OR: true if either of the operands is true; returns false if both are false	x || y
!	Logical NOT: true if the operand is false and vice-versa.	!x

меньше или равен JavaScript

if(a <= 5){
Dr. Hippo

Логические операторы в JavaScript

n1 = !true               // !t returns false (the opposite of true)
n2 = !false              // !f returns true (the opposite of false)
n3 = !''                 // !f returns true (in JavaScript, an empty string is falsey, thus the opposite of a falsey value here is truthy.)
n4 = !'Cat'              // !t returns false (non empty string is truthy, thus opposite is falsy)

Логические операторы в JavaScript

// logical AND
console.log(true && true); // true
console.log(true && false); // false

// logical OR
console.log(true || false); // true

// logical NOT
console.log(!true); // false

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