“javaScript найти все входы в строке” Ответ

javaScript найти все входы в строке

var str = "I learned to play the Ukulele in Lebanon."
var regex = /le/gi, result, indices = [];
while ( (result = regex.exec(str)) ) {
console.log(indices) // => [2, 25, 27, 33]
//find all occurence of le and return the return an array of the indeces

JS найти все входы строк

function getIndicesOf(searchStr: string, str: string, caseSensitive?: boolean) {
  const searchStrLen = searchStr.length
  if (searchStrLen === 0) {
    return []
  let startIndex = 0
  let index: number
  const indices: number[] = []

  if (!caseSensitive) {
    str = str.toLowerCase()
    searchStr = searchStr.toLowerCase()
  // eslint-disable-next-line no-cond-assign
  while ((index = str.indexOf(searchStr, startIndex)) > -1) {
    startIndex = index + searchStrLen
  return indices

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