“Ajax отправить данные формы” Ответ

jquery ajax form отправить

// jQuery ajax form submit example, runs when form is submitted
$("#myFormID").submit(function(e) {
    e.preventDefault(); // prevent actual form submit
    var form = $(this);
    var url = form.attr('action'); //get submit url [replace url here if desired]
         type: "POST",
         url: url,
         data: form.serialize(), // serializes form input
         success: function(data){

Ajax отправить данные формы

$(function() {
  $('form.my_form').submit(function(event) {
    event.preventDefault(); // Prevent the form from submitting via the browser
    var form = $(this);
      type: form.attr('method'),
      url: form.attr('action'),
      data: form.serialize()
    }).done(function(data) {
      // Optionally alert the user of success here...
    }).fail(function(data) {
      // Optionally alert the user of an error here...

Ajax отправить данные формы

<form id="contactForm1" action="/your_url" method="post">
    <!-- Form input fields here (do not forget your name attributes). -->

<script type="text/javascript">
    var frm = $('#contactForm1');

    frm.submit(function (e) {


            type: frm.attr('method'),
            url: frm.attr('action'),
            data: frm.serialize(),
            success: function (data) {
                console.log('Submission was successful.');
            error: function (data) {
                console.log('An error occurred.');
Uninterested Unicorn

jquery ajax form Отправить пример

			    type: "POST",
			    url: "upload.php",
			    data: { name:name, mobile:mobile, address:address, city:city },		    
			    dataType: "json",
			    success: function(result){
Black Bat

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